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Mano Robótica – Bibliografía

Como información adicional al proyecto de la Mano Robótica comparto las fuentes bibliográficas​ usadas​ para el desarrollo del proyecto, la mayoría de estas fuentes son artículos encontrados en bases de datos como IEEE, ScienceDirect y Elsevier.

En la siguiente lista se encuentran las fuentes que se citaron en el documento final:

  • ROBOTIQ. Robotiq Adaptive Gripper, S Model Instruction Manual
  • MEIJNEKE, C. KRAGTEN, G. A. WISSE, M. Design and performance assessment of an underactuated hand for industrial applications. Universidad de Delft. Holanda. 2011
  • CANNATA, Giorgio, MAGGIALI, Marco. An Embedded Tactile and Force Sensor for Robotic Manipulation and Grasping. Universidad de Genova. Italia, 2011
  • THAYER, Nicholas, PRIYA, Shashank. Design and implementation of a dexterous anthropomorphic robotic typing (DART) hand. Universidad Estatal e Instituto Politécnico de Virginia. USA.
  • OSHIMA, Ritsuya, TAKAYAMA, Toshio. Assemblable Three-Fingered Nine-Degrees-of-Freedom Hand for Laparoscopic Surgery. Universidad de Tokio. Japon.
  • QUINAYAS, César Augusto, MUÑOZ, Mariela. Diseño y construcción de la prótesis robótica de mano UC-1. Universidad del Cauca, Colombia.
  • XUE, Zhixing, ZOELLER, J. Marius, DILLMAN, Ruediger. Automatic Optimal Grasp Planning Based on Found Contact Points. Karlsruhe, Alemania.
  • BARRIENTOS, Antonio, BALAGER, Carlos. Fundamentos de Robótica. MacGraw-Hill, 2007
  • KUKA, KUKA Industrial Robots – KR 6 R900 sixx (KR AGILUS).
  • OLLERO BATURONE, Aníbal. Robótica Manipuladores y robots móviles. Boixareu Editores, Barcelona, 2001
  • KAPANDJI, A.I. FISOLOGÍA ARTICULAR, TOMO 1. Editorial Médica Panamericana, MALOINE. Paris. 2006
  • TAKIGAWA, M., IGARASH, I. Integrated Piezoresistive Pressure Sensor with Both Voltage and Frequency Output. Northwestern University
  • LOAD CELL CENTRAL. Economical Moment Compensated Load Cell.
  • BOLTON, William. Mecatrónica. Editorial Alfaomega, México D.F.2008
  • ONWUBOLU, Godfrey, MECHATRONICS Principles and Applications, Elsevierdirect. 2004

La lista a continuación menciona las fuentes que no se citan en el documento final pero que sirvieron para aclarar conceptos y como referencia:

  • A “Wearable” Artificial Hand for Prosthetics and Humanoid Robotics Applications
  • A Designing of Humanoid Robot Hand in Endoskeleton Style
  • A Highly-Underactuated Robotic Hand with Force and Joint Angle Sensor
  • A Miniature Load Cell Suitable for Mounting on the Phalanges of Human-Sized Robot Fingers
  • A New Anthropomorphic Robotic Hand
  • A New Ultralight Anthropomorphic Hand
  • A Novel Approach to Mechanical Design of Articulated Fingers for Robotic Hands
  • A Parallel Gripper with Capability to Use Various Tools
  • A Reasoning Architecture for Humanrobot Joint Tasks Using
  • A Robust Grasping Control of Robot Hand with Four Fingers
  • A Survey of Bio-Inspired Robotics Hands Implementation New Directions in Dexterous Manipulation
  • An Anthropomorphic Underactuated Robotic Hand With 15 DOFs and a Single Actuator
  • An Embedded Tactile and Force Sensor for Robotic Manipulation and Grasping
  • An Investigation of the Transmission System of a Tendon Driven Robot Hand
  • Análisis y Diseño de un Prototipo de una Mano Robótica con Catorce Grados de Libertad, Capaz de ser Dirigida a Través de Internet en Tiempo Real
  • Antagonistically Driven Finger Design for the Anthropomorphic DLR Hand Arm System
  • Assemblable Three-Fingered Nine-Degrees-of-Freedom Hand for Laparoscopic Surgery
  • Asymmetric Routings with Fewer Tendons can Offer Both Flexible Endpoint
  • Stiffness Control and High Force-Production Capabilities in Robotic Fingers
  • Automatic Optimal Grasp Planning Based on Found Contact Points
  • Basic Considerations on Transmission Characteristics for Tendon Drive Robots
  • Biomechatronic Design and Control of an Anthropomorphic Artificial Hand for Prosthetic and Robotic Applications
  • Blackfingers an Artificial Hand that Copies Human Hand in Structure, Size, and Functions
  • Caracterización Cinemática e Implementación de una Mano Robótica Multiarticulada
  • Control of Whole Finger Manipulation Utilizing Frictionless Sliding Contact, Theory and Experiment
  • Control Strategies for Tendon-Tendondriven
  • Design and Development of a Light Weight Embodied Robotic Hand Activated with Only One Actuator
  • Design and Implementation of a Dexterous Anthropomorphic Robotic Typing (DART) Hand
  • Design and Performance Assessment of an Underactuated Hand for Industrial Applications
  • Design of a Gripper Tool for Robotic Picking and Placing
  • Design of a Tactile Sensor for Robot Hands
  • Design of an Anthropomorphic Robotic Finger System with Biomimetic Artificial Joints
  • Design of an Anthropomorphic Robotic Hand for Space Operations
  • Design of Robotic Hand with Tendon-Driven Three Fingers
  • Design of Tendon-Driven Robotic Fingers Modeling and Control Issues
  • Design of the TUAT Karlsruhe Humanoid Hand
  • Design Of the Utah MIT Dextrous Hand
  • Development of a High-Speed Multifingered Hand System and its Application to Catching
  • Development of UB Hand 3 Early Results
  • Dexterous Anthropomorphic Robot Hand with Distributed Tactile Sensor Gifu Hand II
  • Dextrous Manipulation with Multifingered Robot Hands Including Rolling and Slipping of the Fingertips
  • Diseño e Implementación de Mecanismo de Prensión para Mano Robot Antropomórfica
  • Diseño y Construcción de la Prótesis Robótica de Mano UC-1
  • DLR’s Multisensory Articulated Hand Part II the Parallel Torque Position Control System
  • DLR-Hand II Next Generation of a Dextrous Robot HandDouble Active Universal Joint (DAUJ) Robotic Joint
  • Emotion Expression Humanoid Robot WE-4RII
  • Experimental Evaluation of the UB Hand IV Postural Synergies
  • Fingertip Force Control with Embedded Fiber Bragg Grating Sensors
  • Force Control of Human–Robot Interaction Using Twin Direct-Drive Motor System Based on Modal Space Design
  • Force Position Control for a Pneumatic Anthropomorphic Hand
  • Fundaments of Biomechanics
  • Fuzzy PID Control of a Wearable Rehabilitation Robotic Hand Driven by Pneumatic Muscles
  • Grasping Force Control of Multi-Fingered Robot Hand Based on Slip Detection Using Tactile Sensor
  • Grip Control Using Biomimetic Tactile Sensing Systems
  • Human Finger Joint Synergies for a Constrained Task Applied to a Dexterous Anthropomorphic Hand
  • Humanoid Robots – New Developments
  • Human-Sized Anthropomorphic Robot Hand with Detachable Mechanism at the Wrist
  • Hybrid Tactile Sensor System for a Robot Hand and Estimation of Fine Deformation Using the Sensor System
  • Implementation of Semg-Based Real-Time Embedded Adaptive Finger Force Control for a Prosthetic Hand
  • Input-Dependent Stability of Joint Torque Control of Tendon-Driven Robot Hands
  • Intech-Development of Anthropomorphic Robot Hand with Tactile Sensor Skku Hand II
  • Integrated Mechatronic Design for a New Generation of Robotic Hands
  • Inverse Kinematics for Object Manipulation with Redundant Multi-Fingered Robotic Hands
  • Investigation of Friction Characteristics of a Tendon Driven Wearable Robotic Hand
  • Kinematic and Dynamic Modeling of a Multifingered Robot Hand
  • Kinematics and Control System Design of Manipulators for a Humanoid Robot
  • Kinematics and Force Control of Robot Grippers
  • Learning Grasp Stability Based on Tactile Data and HMMS
  • Mano Robótica Teleoperada
  • Mechanism Design of a New Multifingered Robot Hand
  • Minimally Invasive Torque Sensor for Tendon-Driven Robotic Hands
  • Model and Control of Tendon Actuated Robots
  • Modelado Geométrico y Dinámico de una Prótesis de Mano Robótica
  • Modelado y Control de Posición y de Fuerza de una Prótesis Robótica de Mano
  • Modelling and Controlling the Compliance of a Robotic Hand with Soft Finger Pads
  • Modelo Dinámico de una Mano Robótica con Mecanismo de Desacople Mecánico en los Dedos
  • Multifingered Robot Hands Control for Grasping and Manipulation
  • Multi-Jointed Robot Finger Driven by an Artificial Muscle Actuator
  • On Motion and Force Controllability of Grasping Hands with Postural Synergies
  • On the Development of a Cybernetic Hand Prosthesis
  • Platform Portable Anthropomorphic Grasping with the Bielefeld 20-DOF Shadow and 9-DOF TUM Hand
  • Positionforce Control of a Armgripper System
  • Preliminary Design of a Tendon-Based Anthropomorphic Robotic Hand
  • Prosthetic Finger Phalanges with Lifelike Skin Compliance for Low-Force Social Touching Interactions
  • Prótesis Mecatrónica para Personas Amputadas entre Codo y Muñeca
  • Robonaut a Robotic Astronaut Assistant
  • Robotic Grasping of Unmodeled Objects Using Time-of-Flight Range Data and Finger Torque Information
  • Robust Sensor-Based Grasp Primitive for a Three-Finger Robot Hand
  • Shape Recognition and Grasping by Robotic Hands with Soft Fingers and Omnidirectional Camera
  • Sistema de Control de Movimiento para Prótesis de Mano
  • Stiffness Control of a Coupled Tendon Driven Robot Hand
  • Tactile Sensing for an Anthropomorphic Robotic Hand Hardware and Signal Processing
  • Tendon-Based Transmission Systems for Robotic Devices Models and Control Algorithms
  • Tendon-Based Transmission Systems for Robotic Devices Tendon-Based Transmission Systems for Robotic Devices
  • The DIST-Hand, An Anthropomorphic, Fully Sensorized Dexterous Hand
  • The DLR Hand Arm SystemThe Highly Adaptive SDM Hand Design and Performance Evaluation
  • The Kinematics of Multi-Fingered Manipulation
  • The Robonaut 2 Hand – Designed to Do Work with Tools
  • UBH 3 An Anthropomorphic Hand with Simplified Endo-Skeletal Structure and Soft Continuous Fingerpads

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