Como información adicional al proyecto de la Mano Robótica comparto las fuentes bibliográficas usadas para el desarrollo del proyecto, la mayoría de estas fuentes son artículos encontrados en bases de datos como IEEE, ScienceDirect y Elsevier.
En la siguiente lista se encuentran las fuentes que se citaron en el documento final:
- ROBOTIQ. Robotiq Adaptive Gripper, S Model Instruction Manual
- MEIJNEKE, C. KRAGTEN, G. A. WISSE, M. Design and performance assessment of an underactuated hand for industrial applications. Universidad de Delft. Holanda. 2011
- CANNATA, Giorgio, MAGGIALI, Marco. An Embedded Tactile and Force Sensor for Robotic Manipulation and Grasping. Universidad de Genova. Italia, 2011
- THAYER, Nicholas, PRIYA, Shashank. Design and implementation of a dexterous anthropomorphic robotic typing (DART) hand. Universidad Estatal e Instituto Politécnico de Virginia. USA.
- OSHIMA, Ritsuya, TAKAYAMA, Toshio. Assemblable Three-Fingered Nine-Degrees-of-Freedom Hand for Laparoscopic Surgery. Universidad de Tokio. Japon.
- QUINAYAS, César Augusto, MUÑOZ, Mariela. Diseño y construcción de la prótesis robótica de mano UC-1. Universidad del Cauca, Colombia.
- XUE, Zhixing, ZOELLER, J. Marius, DILLMAN, Ruediger. Automatic Optimal Grasp Planning Based on Found Contact Points. Karlsruhe, Alemania.
- BARRIENTOS, Antonio, BALAGER, Carlos. Fundamentos de Robótica. MacGraw-Hill, 2007
- KUKA, KUKA Industrial Robots – KR 6 R900 sixx (KR AGILUS).
- OLLERO BATURONE, Aníbal. Robótica Manipuladores y robots móviles. Boixareu Editores, Barcelona, 2001
- KAPANDJI, A.I. FISOLOGÍA ARTICULAR, TOMO 1. Editorial Médica Panamericana, MALOINE. Paris. 2006
- TAKIGAWA, M., IGARASH, I. Integrated Piezoresistive Pressure Sensor with Both Voltage and Frequency Output. Northwestern University
- LOAD CELL CENTRAL. Economical Moment Compensated Load Cell.
- BOLTON, William. Mecatrónica. Editorial Alfaomega, México D.F.2008
- ONWUBOLU, Godfrey, MECHATRONICS Principles and Applications, Elsevierdirect. 2004
La lista a continuación menciona las fuentes que no se citan en el documento final pero que sirvieron para aclarar conceptos y como referencia:
- A “Wearable” Artificial Hand for Prosthetics and Humanoid Robotics Applications
- A Designing of Humanoid Robot Hand in Endoskeleton Style
- A Highly-Underactuated Robotic Hand with Force and Joint Angle Sensor
- A Miniature Load Cell Suitable for Mounting on the Phalanges of Human-Sized Robot Fingers
- A New Anthropomorphic Robotic Hand
- A New Ultralight Anthropomorphic Hand
- A Novel Approach to Mechanical Design of Articulated Fingers for Robotic Hands
- A Parallel Gripper with Capability to Use Various Tools
- A Reasoning Architecture for Humanrobot Joint Tasks Using
- A Robust Grasping Control of Robot Hand with Four Fingers
- A Survey of Bio-Inspired Robotics Hands Implementation New Directions in Dexterous Manipulation
- An Anthropomorphic Underactuated Robotic Hand With 15 DOFs and a Single Actuator
- An Embedded Tactile and Force Sensor for Robotic Manipulation and Grasping
- An Investigation of the Transmission System of a Tendon Driven Robot Hand
- Análisis y Diseño de un Prototipo de una Mano Robótica con Catorce Grados de Libertad, Capaz de ser Dirigida a Través de Internet en Tiempo Real
- Antagonistically Driven Finger Design for the Anthropomorphic DLR Hand Arm System
- Assemblable Three-Fingered Nine-Degrees-of-Freedom Hand for Laparoscopic Surgery
- Asymmetric Routings with Fewer Tendons can Offer Both Flexible Endpoint
- Stiffness Control and High Force-Production Capabilities in Robotic Fingers
- Automatic Optimal Grasp Planning Based on Found Contact Points
- Basic Considerations on Transmission Characteristics for Tendon Drive Robots
- Biomechatronic Design and Control of an Anthropomorphic Artificial Hand for Prosthetic and Robotic Applications
- Blackfingers an Artificial Hand that Copies Human Hand in Structure, Size, and Functions
- Caracterización Cinemática e Implementación de una Mano Robótica Multiarticulada
- Control of Whole Finger Manipulation Utilizing Frictionless Sliding Contact, Theory and Experiment
- Control Strategies for Tendon-Tendondriven
- Design and Development of a Light Weight Embodied Robotic Hand Activated with Only One Actuator
- Design and Implementation of a Dexterous Anthropomorphic Robotic Typing (DART) Hand
- Design and Performance Assessment of an Underactuated Hand for Industrial Applications
- Design of a Gripper Tool for Robotic Picking and Placing
- Design of a Tactile Sensor for Robot Hands
- Design of an Anthropomorphic Robotic Finger System with Biomimetic Artificial Joints
- Design of an Anthropomorphic Robotic Hand for Space Operations
- Design of Robotic Hand with Tendon-Driven Three Fingers
- Design of Tendon-Driven Robotic Fingers Modeling and Control Issues
- Design of the TUAT Karlsruhe Humanoid Hand
- Design Of the Utah MIT Dextrous Hand
- Development of a High-Speed Multifingered Hand System and its Application to Catching
- Development of UB Hand 3 Early Results
- Dexterous Anthropomorphic Robot Hand with Distributed Tactile Sensor Gifu Hand II
- Dextrous Manipulation with Multifingered Robot Hands Including Rolling and Slipping of the Fingertips
- Diseño e Implementación de Mecanismo de Prensión para Mano Robot Antropomórfica
- Diseño y Construcción de la Prótesis Robótica de Mano UC-1
- DLR’s Multisensory Articulated Hand Part II the Parallel Torque Position Control System
- DLR-Hand II Next Generation of a Dextrous Robot HandDouble Active Universal Joint (DAUJ) Robotic Joint
- Emotion Expression Humanoid Robot WE-4RII
- Experimental Evaluation of the UB Hand IV Postural Synergies
- Fingertip Force Control with Embedded Fiber Bragg Grating Sensors
- Force Control of Human–Robot Interaction Using Twin Direct-Drive Motor System Based on Modal Space Design
- Force Position Control for a Pneumatic Anthropomorphic Hand
- Fundaments of Biomechanics
- Fuzzy PID Control of a Wearable Rehabilitation Robotic Hand Driven by Pneumatic Muscles
- Grasping Force Control of Multi-Fingered Robot Hand Based on Slip Detection Using Tactile Sensor
- Grip Control Using Biomimetic Tactile Sensing Systems
- Human Finger Joint Synergies for a Constrained Task Applied to a Dexterous Anthropomorphic Hand
- Humanoid Robots – New Developments
- Human-Sized Anthropomorphic Robot Hand with Detachable Mechanism at the Wrist
- Hybrid Tactile Sensor System for a Robot Hand and Estimation of Fine Deformation Using the Sensor System
- Implementation of Semg-Based Real-Time Embedded Adaptive Finger Force Control for a Prosthetic Hand
- Input-Dependent Stability of Joint Torque Control of Tendon-Driven Robot Hands
- Intech-Development of Anthropomorphic Robot Hand with Tactile Sensor Skku Hand II
- Integrated Mechatronic Design for a New Generation of Robotic Hands
- Inverse Kinematics for Object Manipulation with Redundant Multi-Fingered Robotic Hands
- Investigation of Friction Characteristics of a Tendon Driven Wearable Robotic Hand
- Kinematic and Dynamic Modeling of a Multifingered Robot Hand
- Kinematics and Control System Design of Manipulators for a Humanoid Robot
- Kinematics and Force Control of Robot Grippers
- Learning Grasp Stability Based on Tactile Data and HMMS
- Mano Robótica Teleoperada
- Mechanism Design of a New Multifingered Robot Hand
- Minimally Invasive Torque Sensor for Tendon-Driven Robotic Hands
- Model and Control of Tendon Actuated Robots
- Modelado Geométrico y Dinámico de una Prótesis de Mano Robótica
- Modelado y Control de Posición y de Fuerza de una Prótesis Robótica de Mano
- Modelling and Controlling the Compliance of a Robotic Hand with Soft Finger Pads
- Modelo Dinámico de una Mano Robótica con Mecanismo de Desacople Mecánico en los Dedos
- Multifingered Robot Hands Control for Grasping and Manipulation
- Multi-Jointed Robot Finger Driven by an Artificial Muscle Actuator
- On Motion and Force Controllability of Grasping Hands with Postural Synergies
- On the Development of a Cybernetic Hand Prosthesis
- Platform Portable Anthropomorphic Grasping with the Bielefeld 20-DOF Shadow and 9-DOF TUM Hand
- Positionforce Control of a Armgripper System
- Preliminary Design of a Tendon-Based Anthropomorphic Robotic Hand
- Prosthetic Finger Phalanges with Lifelike Skin Compliance for Low-Force Social Touching Interactions
- Prótesis Mecatrónica para Personas Amputadas entre Codo y Muñeca
- Robonaut a Robotic Astronaut Assistant
- Robotic Grasping of Unmodeled Objects Using Time-of-Flight Range Data and Finger Torque Information
- Robust Sensor-Based Grasp Primitive for a Three-Finger Robot Hand
- Shape Recognition and Grasping by Robotic Hands with Soft Fingers and Omnidirectional Camera
- Sistema de Control de Movimiento para Prótesis de Mano
- Stiffness Control of a Coupled Tendon Driven Robot Hand
- Tactile Sensing for an Anthropomorphic Robotic Hand Hardware and Signal Processing
- Tendon-Based Transmission Systems for Robotic Devices Models and Control Algorithms
- Tendon-Based Transmission Systems for Robotic Devices Tendon-Based Transmission Systems for Robotic Devices
- The DIST-Hand, An Anthropomorphic, Fully Sensorized Dexterous Hand
- The DLR Hand Arm SystemThe Highly Adaptive SDM Hand Design and Performance Evaluation
- The Kinematics of Multi-Fingered Manipulation
- The Robonaut 2 Hand – Designed to Do Work with Tools
- UBH 3 An Anthropomorphic Hand with Simplified Endo-Skeletal Structure and Soft Continuous Fingerpads
Espero que esta información sea de utilidad.
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